Can I view / email / print / download selected content on FromCounsel?


Yes, you can download, print, share and email our Q&A, Legislation, Current Awareness and Precedents by clicking on the box next to the Q&A, Current Awareness article or piece of legislation.

To view content – select the content you wish to view by ticking the box(es) next to the relevant content. Then click the share button in the toolbar which appears above the content. This will show the content you have selected by itself with only the relevant chapter, section, subsection and question headings. You can then convert this content into a pdf or email, or print it.

To email content – select the content that you wish to email by ticking the box(es) next to the relevant content. Then press the email icon in the toolbar which appears above the Q&A content, which will create an email with an embedded link to the selected content.

To print content – select the content that you wish to download by ticking the box(es) next to the relevant content. Then click the print button in the toolbar which appears above the Q&A content.

To pdf/download content – select the content that you wish to convert into pdf or download by ticking the box(es) next to the relevant content. Then click the pdf button in the toolbar which appears above the Q&A content to convert the selected content to pdf.